Published on 11th Oct, 2020
Hello Friends,
I hope you are all well and staying safe. Today’s newsletter is about a concept very dear to me and referred to me by one of my team members. The concept of “Ikigai”. Pronounced as EEKEEGAI(with your cheeks lifted up) not icky guy……
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I Am Because We Are
Published on 4th Oct, 2020
Salam jawano,
I hope this email finds you well. You are staying safe, and practicing social distancing. This is the 3rd issue, I wanted to touch on something very close to me and what I feel has made me grow as a professional and individual both. It’s a philosophy which I believed in since early teenage, the first time I heard its name was when I was preparing for my SATs but had completely forgotten about it. It recently struck me again while watching one of the shows on Netflix. The philosophy is Ubuntu which means “I am because we are”…..
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Don't Let Anyone Belittle You
Published on 27th Sep, 2020
Salam jawano,
I hope this email finds you well. You are staying safe, and practicing social distancing. For the 2nd Issue, I wanted to use Mufti Menk’s quote which really resonated with me
“Don’t let anyone belittle you. If you’re not careful, you may start believing their demeaning remarks. This can affect your self-esteem. When someone belittles you, it’s areflection of them, not you! Never allow people who use words so irresponsibly to sabotage your self-image!”….
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Heart in the right place
Published on 20th Sep, 2020
Salam jawano,
I hope this email finds you well. You are staying safe, and practicing social distancing. This is the first issue of my newsletter so I am very excited to write to you. I was wondering for the longest time as to what should I write to you about, so I decided to start with a life lesson that I have learned over this period of time and implemented successfully:…..
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The Imperfect Options and How We Weather the Storm
Published on 2nd May, 2021
Dear Jawano,
I hope this finds you well and safe. As the exams begin and my Past Paper Session comes to a close today. I finally got some time to write down my feelings alot of which resonate with what you’re probably feeling at the moment…
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